Wednesday, April 27, 2011

whee!! tee

As you could have guessed from the title of the blog it's about a tee, a t-shirt design contest in my daughter's school. This was something i was looking forward to as much as my 3 1/2 y old daughter. She was told in the school whom so ever 's t-shirt will be the best, will get a prize. She was very excited and had one thing clear that "Mamma i want my t-shirt to be the best". But as a mother i also had my side of the words ready too "No Poorva its not about winning or loosing, its about participating and enjoying making it"...anyways deep inside all of us want to win and who hate to get a prize, even if its small or big.

So coming back to my tee. We finally made our whee- tee, using our head , heart and hands. And to our delight our tee got the prize too. There were 3 students in the school who got a prize and my daughter was one of them. Whee did it!!


Piyush Gopal said...

Am proud of both of you. Its actually not about the reward as much but as much as the fun both of you had making it. Love it !

Rehan said...

I know its late..
Anyways!! Congratulation to Poorva and her awesome creative Mother. I am so proud of you..
Soumya wish you the very best in your career and life..